E toru ngā pakiwaituhi o Te Mana Motuhake o Poroumatā mō te patunga o Poroumatā, te kimi utu a ngā uri mō tōna matenga, me te hāpainga anō o tōna mana. He tino kōrero ēnei ki roto o Ngāti Porou, nā te mate hoki o Poroumatā i pakaru te riri nui, i rarua te noho a te iwi.

Presented by Te Ataakura Kupenga, Bobbie Millar and Sonny Ngatai, Tiki Towns is about the importance of pronouncing Māori place names correctly or else we could lose them.

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A series of animated reo Māori stories for children. It is for tamariki and whānau and is an opportunity to access te reo Māori and kaupapa Māori stories online. If you have any suggestions please email us: info@teamokura.com.

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